PPC Management Services

Increase your conversions with a Google ads agency that can push your brand to the top with Pay Per Click or PPC Management services. While traditional Search Engine Optimization will help you rank organically, Pay Per Click marketing services generate a significant amount of traffic immediately.

With Globus Data hub’s PPC management services, you will increase brand awareness in paid distribution channels. When it comes to creating exposure through paid search advertising, there are a number of different platforms Globus Data Hub can launch. They include:

  • Google AdWords PPC
  • Localized Campaigns
  • Bing PPC
  • National Campaigns
  • Facebook Advertising
  • International Campaigns
  • Contextual Advertising

What is PPC Management?

PPC campaign management requires significant testing to find your company’s sweet spot and identify which approaches work best for generating conversions. As a Pay Per Click management service, we make sure to do our due diligence when it comes to researching your industry and identifying the optimal channels for launching campaigns.

What is PPC Advertising?

Pay Per Click advertising is a model that allows advertisers the ability to place ads on a platform and pay the host of the platform when their ad is clicked. The goal of this type of advertising is to lead a user to click an advertiser’s website or app, to initialize contact that allows for further interaction such as purchasing or sharing.

What are the benefits of PPC Management Services?

  • Immediate lead generation: promote new products and services instantly through ads on search engines, text-based advertising, and other paid distribution channels. There’s no “waiting” period, you can begin right away!
  • Dominate the page: running a PPC campaign in conjunction with an organic search strategy will give your brand a presence on both paid and non-paid listings. There’s a potential to show up in multiple places in search results.
  • Pay only for clicks: it’s as simple as it sounds – you only pay when someone clicks your advertisement. Unlike traditional advertising, paid advertising allows you to set the budget that you want. Nothing more, nothing less.
  • Understand your audience: by testing different paid advertising sources, you will see which keywords, ads, and placements generate the best return on investment. Learn more about your targeted audience’s consumer behavior online and then adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • Retain your engagements: PPC management services allow for easier remarketing and remodeling, giving businesses the chance to stay close with already made engagements via website or prior searches.

PPC Management Tools and Platforms

PPC advertising is often considered an umbrella term that encapsulates a variety of different tools and platforms to generate clicks. Some of these platforms and applications include:

Types of PPC Ads

SEO writing and content marketing go hand in hand. As an SEO copywriting company and digital marketing agency, we use SEO content writing best practices like keyword research and comprehensive planning to create content that embodies your brand voice, establishes site authority, and interests your audience. We then use content marketing to share that content with the world. It’s a two-pronged approach to optimizing your website content, with both SEO and content marketing being equally important for achieving our (and your) ultimate goals.


The most common type of paid search marketing, search ads target individuals who are already seeking your company’s industry or offerings online. Search ads are suitable for short sales cycles or one-time campaign promotions.


These ads aim to either remind, or reiterate to users with an already existing engagement with your business. This way, you can more easily convince them to return to your site or app, and hone in on a more direct audience with your ad campaigns.


With social media dominating today’s online advertising industry, social ads are a reliable way to generate traffic on sites like FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, LinkedIn, etc. These ads are programmed to appeal to certain hobbies, interests, and other specific factors.

Google Shopping

Suitable for websites with a large amount of products available, Google shopping ads most often appear above or below the contents of a web page, in either a carousel or slideshow to highlight the product and its prices on Google SERP before the user even clicks.


As the name suggests, display ads utilize photos, videos, and texts to capture user attention and convince them to take action through a click, embedded link, or even an interactable image. These are usually targeted to people who visit industry-related sites, often on Google-partnered websites or other search engines.

Amazon PPC Ads

Amazon continues to be a haven for advertisers, and these PPC ads give Amazon sellers an easy way to generate brand awareness, increase traffic, and boost sales via sponsored ads on the platform’s key locations.

Globus Data Hub’s PPC Services

Through extensive research, our PPC ads agency selects the best collection of keywords for search-based campaigns to maximize exposure and keep bid costs relatively low. Users are segmented based on keywords and geographic location. This may be the most difficult part when developing a Pay Per Click campaign. When we take charge as your PPC service provider, Globus Data Hub backs up your keyword data with thorough research to ensure success.

Here’s what your company can expect from us:

  1. Globus Data hub creates multiple ad groups for both split testing and optimization purposes. Campaign testing is critical as the immediate feedback allows our team to analyze the strategy and re-adjust based on ad copy, landing pages, and keywords that are most effective at driving traffic and targeting leads.
  2. Landing pages with a clear call to action increase conversion rates and maximize your ROI. Globus Data Hub creates a seamless funnel from the ad itself to the desired result.
  3. Once your PPC campaign gets going, we provide your business with ongoing monitoring and detailed reports including key statistics and future recommendations if the campaign needs adjusting. Globus Data Hub closely analyzes click-through rates and conversion rates and makes adjustments with regards to bid management.

Globus Data hub's Retargeting Strategies

Some visitors might be in a “browse-only” mode and leave your site. In fact, most users are likely to leave a site without completing a purchase. That’s where display advertising and retargeting can prove to be beneficial marketing tactics.

They not only maximize your online exposure, but they generate more sales. With the help of Globus Data hub’s display advertising and retargeting services, you can re-market to them elsewhere on the web.

Here’s how it works:

  • Through marketing efforts, you drive a targeted audience to your website.
  • Users browse your website, looking at various products and services.
  • Due to circumstances out of your control, they leave your site and begin to surf the web.
  • On one of their favorite sites or on Facebook, a display ad promotes your website.
  • Recalling the brand, users come back to your site to make a purchase, making the satisfying journey from browser to customer.

The Benefits of Retargeting (Remarketing)

Retargeting provides the ultimate opportunity to encourage new users to become customers or promote offers to existing customers with cross-sells and up-sells. Pushing products and services has never been easier.

  • Increase conversion rates: users researching a product are more inclined to shop around. See a measured ROI from generating traffic by bringing them back to your website.
  • Fight shopping cart abandonment: users comparing different online retailers are more inclined to abandon shopping carts during the purchasing process. Through retargeting, you can target users based on specific products they have viewed and abandoned. Displaying targeted ads on their favorite sites can encourage them to go back and complete a transaction.
  • Increase brand awareness: the more your ads are seen, the more likely your brand is recalled. Even if users are just comparing alternatives or searching for information, increasing the number of times your brand is exposed to a target audience will ultimately lead to sales.

Get in Touch with an Expert PPC Service Provider

If you are interested in our PPC management services, contact the experts at Globus Data hub. As an award-winning Pay Per Click ads agency, our specialists are more than capable of helping you run a successful campaign.