Website Maintenance Services

With website maintenance services from Globus Data Hub, you’ll always know that your site is in good hands. As a qualified website support company, we’re available to handle everything related to web maintenance, security, and performance for your business, with monthly plans that ensure you get just the right level of oversight.

Dependable Website Support, Maintenance, and Programming Services

There’s a lot riding on your website. Our professional site maintenance services make sure that it delivers, providing frequent updates to enhance its aesthetic, attract new visitors, and prevent it from looking dated. Depending on your regular web maintenance needs, our team of web programmers can also work to update your site’s content, appearance, or product inventory, with expert tech support that takes the guesswork out of implementing must-have changes.

Monthly Managed Website Maintenance Plans

Make sure that your domain stays bug-free and up to date with a monthly action plan dedicated to maintaining on-site stability. Regular site maintenance is essential for sustainable performance, and is heavily recommended for ecommerce websites and digital publishing platforms that are consistently updating their products and articles on the backend.

Our monthly digital marketing maintenance services for your website include (but are not limited to):

Why Your Business Needs a Website Maintenance Company

Whether it’s WordPress website maintenance or ongoing support for another CMS, having a reliable partner can make all the difference in keeping your website operations on track. Various benefits of hiring Globus Data Hub for website maintenance services include:

  • Stronger website security
  • Regular backups and updates
  • Content updates and optimization
  • Better on-site user experience

Website Maintenance: FAQs

Website maintenance is any activity dedicated to monitoring and updating your site’s performance. This includes technical improvements like security patches and updates to content and plugins, as well as small but impactful changes that help guarantee a better on-site experience for visitors.

Without website maintenance, your business risks data losses, website outages, and other seriously costly errors. Regular maintenance helps you get ahead of problems before they occur, putting safeguards and stopgaps in place so you always know your site is safe. It is also a foundational part of any business’s digital marketing and SEO efforts.

It is recommended that websites have backups and updates to plugins performed once a month. This way, you never have to worry that your site is out of date on the back-end or that you’re at risk of losing all of your current content and data.

Website maintenance is preventative, and is intended to help keep problems from occurring. Site support, on the other hand, is intended to address issues when they do occur. They’re basically two sides of the same coin, since you need both in order to keep your website in peak condition.

Think of your website’s host like the digital land that it lives on, and your website like its digital storefront. If one or the other goes down, your site will be inaccessible to users, which is why you need trusted support for any website hosting issues in addition to monthly website maintenance.

Most of our clients come to us for WordPress website maintenance, however we also offer maintenance services for Shopify and Magento. If your business operates on another CMS, please contact us directly to discuss.

Start Working with an Expert Website Support Company Today and Boost Your SEO

Google, Bing, and other search engines like to see frequent changes to your domain’s pages. It demonstrates to them that your website is constantly monitored, and shows your attempts at maintaining a certain level of digital health. The best, fastest pages get indexed quickly and return faster results, meaning routine maintenance can be the separating factor preventing you from finally reaching that coveted first page spot.

We’re SEO experts that also happen to know our way around all aspects of website maintenance and development. Get in touch now, and discover a team of specialists that are ready to bring immediate improvements to your website – and your SEO performance.